Our prayer for the people and nation

Gracious God,
You create and you sustain
Bless the people of Ukraine
in these days of war
Help them when the violence separates families
Help them when they see their homeland destroyed
Help them to try to understand why
Help them cope with so much death
Turn the hearts of those creating the violence
Let them see the real horror of war
and be moved by the tears of the children
Let us all pray that everyone involved in the violence
can go back home and live happy family lives again.

St Olga of Kyiv, pray for your people

low angle photography of trees at daytime
low angle photography of trees at daytime

A Reading from the writings of Julian of Norwich

And this word, you shall not be overcome,
was said full sharply, and full mightily for sureness and comfort against all tribulations that might come.

He said not:
You shall not be troubled
You shall not be travailed
You shall not be diseased;

But he said:
You shall not be overcome.

God wills that we take heed at this word, and that we be ever mighty in faithful trust in well and in woe, For he loves us and delights in us

And all shall be well.